Bentley Sustainability Council
As an advisory Council to the Bentley Board of Management and Sustainability leaders across Bentley, members of the Bentley Sustainability Council will play a key role in guiding the biggest transformation the automotive industry will have ever seen. With their expertise and practical knowledge, the council members will both individually and collectively drive the luxury marque’s thinking, its strategy, and the decisions the brand makes on its sustainability journey.
The Council’s efforts will bring outside stakeholder perspectives into Bentley’s approach to sustainability and evaluate Bentley’s sustainability performance.
Through this forum the Council's objectives are:
- Be change agents for Bentley
- Independently challenge the company’s overall sustainability strategy, to ensure its relevance, fitness for purpose and future proofing
- Drive a state-of-the-art, ‘thought leadership’ approach to sustainability
- Advise on best practice, mega trends and medium to long-term issues
- Review and advise on the sustainability reporting structure and approach
The initial sustainability focus areas for the Council will be; decarbonisation, sourcing of sustainable materials, a carbon neutral and transparent supply chain, and circular economy.